And behold, i tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are only in the service of your god. - Mosiah 2:17

Friday, July 8, 2011

Helllllloooo Family!

How is my lovely family doing? This week went by so fast It feels like
yesterday I was writing you all!

Well this week was a way good week for me, a tad frustrating and sad
but still it was a way good week!
We have this investigator who´s name is Cicilia she is 16 and has had
some tough times in the past. She doesn´t believe in God. She doesn´t
know her mom, she lives with a member in my area and doesn´t have any
friends. She is living a tough life. We have been teaching her for
about a month now. It definitely has been tough teaching her, the
first times we would just tell her about God and that he lives and
that he loves her so much and wants her to be happy. We would ask her
to committ to reading and praying but she wouldn´t. We decided to just
begin teaching the lessons and started with the first lesson about
Joseph Smith. She opened up to us and this week and her mom that she
has never met in her life, called her older sister and is asking about
her. She got really quiet and was tearing up, the miracle in all of
this is she prayed for the first time in her life and we put a
baptismal date for this month! It was so cool to see the change in her
life, it´s going to take a little bit more but I hope and pray she can
trust and believe that God is with her.
Sad news, I have an infection in my finger. And I had to go to the
hospital, the have to amputate my finger. I don´t know what to do, I´m
scared. hahah jk, but no seriously it is a bad infection. I went to a
member yesterday and she works in a hospital and gave me all this
stuff to put on it and everything. It hurts so bad.
Every Thursday night we play futbol with the ward and this past week
was so kapo the ward is awesome here, haha the didn´t know americans
can play soccer. The first counselor in the ward and the stake
presidency told me on sunday that they have a plot against me this
Thursday so I don´t score anymore. haha it is funny!´
I have been studying the gift of Discernment a lot lately and it´s so
cool how awesome it really works! There is a talk by Elder Ballard
that was like how do you know if the spirit is there with you? He said
don´t worry about it! it´s so simple, if your bearing truth with all
your heart you can tell. The mission is amazing some days are hard and
some are easier. But it is all amazing! The miracles every single day
from this work is so cool to see! I am happy and loving it here! and
am so happy to know you all are doing amazing!
This week we have Stake Conference ha I hope I will be able to
understand a little bit of it! The spanish is so much better now, I
understand almost everything now and am talking all the time! it´s a
miracle haha I remember in high school with the language it was
impossible. but now its not bad! I love you all!
Have an amazing week Family!
Elder Payton!
or what everyone calls me here Elder Paytaton!
hahaha funny story real quick! Every time We call our mission leader
he says my name in the funniest Accent! Elder PAAAAAAYTOOON. Love you
all! Ciao Ciao! I´m Italian! :)

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