And behold, i tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are only in the service of your god. - Mosiah 2:17

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16th

Hey Family! 
What´s up everyone? 
This week has absolutley been crazy! haha I honestly felt like it was never going to end, but it did. It was such a good week, the most walking I think I have ever done in my life. We had splashes all week in which all the Elders work in one area. It is a lot of fun to work with Elders from different countries, haha it´s funny when they speak English and it sounds so funny, but that´s probably how I sound when I speak Castoshano. hahah I was finally started to get confidence with the language when this little punk told me I speak crazily haha I was like come on. it was pretty funny though. So definitley this week was guided all by the spirit, when I had my meeting with the president he read a scripture in Alma 13:24 I think about angels and says that the angels are with us preparing everyone for us to teach! you could see that everyday this week, House after house we would enter and teach a awesome lesson. We put a lot of baptismal dates, or goals we like to call them. Oh so you all remember when Christian Cannovino would bring down his argentine treats those way way amazing ones like the shape of a leaf? I bought so many of those this week, I eat them all. shoot some good news, I am finally gaining weight! 13 pounds I am up to 152. talk about a miracle I know. hahah. 
I just want to share with you guys how much this church has changed my life, you all know when I didn´t go for a while and my life was troubled. Mom would always ask me to come to church as well as lovely madeleine. But I never would, I just didn´t think I needed it in my life, I thought I was happy. But let me tell you when I returned to chuch the first time in almost two years I had felt that peace that I had been missing in my life. I know this is the only true church, which brings so much happiness. And I know it has changed my life so much and has given me a new life. This church is how we can be together forever and always know that we are a family. How amazing of a blessing is that? the best blessing, our savior sufferered everything for each and everyone one of us, he knows what we are going through and he is the only way we can be healed, I love knowing that! I am know this is the only true chuch, our savior lives, and the covenants we make with our heavenly father is what brings true joy to our lives! I love my mission, and have had so many experiences that have brought true joy to my life! 
I love you all!
Elder Payton.

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