And behold, i tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are only in the service of your god. - Mosiah 2:17

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Hola! how is everyone?
This week was crazy! It went from being the hottest weather I have ever been in to the coldest in one day, I disliked it so much haha. It was a huge rain storm and the wind was so strong. It was frigid. But we still had to go out and work and everything which is actually so much fun! I love it here and I love being a missionary! So this week we had a lot of good lessons and we have a baptism for this saturday at 5! second one in a month I am so grateful for heavenly father preparing these people for me and my compy! I am so excited for it! What was my baptism like? I dont remember but baptisms really are so amazing, so I might have to do the confirmation! ahhh in Spanish! crazy haha i don´t know very many words still but I will do it is she asks me to! So we have that baptism and then hopefully 4 more in the month of may! its crazy to think I am almost done with my first transfer! only three weeks left! it really does go by so fast. The family´s in the ward are amazing they feed us buffets for lunch everyday we are so lucky the food here is really really good. WE have lots of pastas and empanadas and chicken. Which is exactly what i need to gain some pounds! Mother why haven´t I gotten a package yet? haha I miss american chips and candy so much.! I watch soccer during our cetas with members at lunch they had the champions league game on of barca and RM and it was amazing i miss playing soccer but we played today and it was really fun! We had a zone meeting today and the spirit was so strong! It is crazy how the spirit radiates off of the other missionaries! The zone leaders asked me to bare my testimony today and I did and they all started crying and told me right when I started to talked they were hit with the spirit! Family let me tell you we are so blessed to have the knowledge we do in the church this is the only way we can actually have true happiness! Its the best feeling walking out of a lesson and knowing that the spirit was there and know they felt it.  I love this work and am so happy! I miss you all!
Elder Payton

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