And behold, i tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are only in the service of your god. - Mosiah 2:17

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hola Familia!

¿Como Anda?
This week was awesome!
 On tuesday I was in an Intercombio with Elder Riquelme from Argentina, We worked in his area in downtown Centro Rio Cuarto! Which is tough place to work in because it is so busy. And plus they have so many clothing stores that are so dope. haha but it was fun working with him. He also has four months in his mission so we were both new missionaries walking around. i like it like that. We had the opportunity to give three blessings that day to a member who was feeling sick, and to this hermana who was having a hard time. We knocked on her door and her mom answered who was about 80 years old. and she let us in and her daughter was in bed crying. She was way sick had an infection or something in her leg. We talked to them for a little and then asked her if she wanted a preisthood blessing to help her! She said yes, I did the first part of the consecrated oil and my companion did the blessing! Right after the blessing she said, I want to go to your church! it was a miracle, she never has gone. That shows the power of the preisthood and the power of the Holy Ghost!. 
On Wednesday I was in my area with Elder Riquelme. We had District meeting which is always good to see everyone. After we went and picked up lunch from a member and my laundry. The food here makes me fat, but it´s so good. hhaha it´s harder to not eat. We had two noche de hogars or family nights. We made two brownies which were really good, The family nights were with two girls and there mom and a member. One of the girls is pregnant, and has many hard problems in her life. We talked about the after life and what happens to us, the had no questions about it. Elder Riquelme told me at the end of the lesson when everyone was talking, I interrupted them and starting baring my testimony he said the whole room went queit and he felt the spirit so strong in while I was talking. He told me that after we had left. it feels so good to help people in any way possible. This gospel we have can fix any problem!
Sunday we had a baptism for a members son! It is so cool to watch the dad baptize the kid and see the love and pure joy in the faces of them! it always make me cry haha I get so emotional! I love seeing it though.
yesterday was the end of my first transfer I am staying in my same area with my same companion. I love it here and am so happy to be here! I am loving the mission and seeing the miracles each and everyday of the power of the holy ghost guiding us! 
I miss you all so much and am so happy for abby and her graduation! Tell pops and jen I love them and everyone who comes over! I miss you and and am so thankful for everything! For the month of june we are expecting atleast 3 baptizms! We are working hard everyday to prepare them for their baptizms! The best work I could be doing. Have an amazing week! 

Love, Elder Payton.

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