And behold, i tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are only in the service of your god. - Mosiah 2:17

Sunday, May 29, 2011

maria emilia and elder payton

Hola Familia!

¿Como Anda?
This week was awesome!
 On tuesday I was in an Intercombio with Elder Riquelme from Argentina, We worked in his area in downtown Centro Rio Cuarto! Which is tough place to work in because it is so busy. And plus they have so many clothing stores that are so dope. haha but it was fun working with him. He also has four months in his mission so we were both new missionaries walking around. i like it like that. We had the opportunity to give three blessings that day to a member who was feeling sick, and to this hermana who was having a hard time. We knocked on her door and her mom answered who was about 80 years old. and she let us in and her daughter was in bed crying. She was way sick had an infection or something in her leg. We talked to them for a little and then asked her if she wanted a preisthood blessing to help her! She said yes, I did the first part of the consecrated oil and my companion did the blessing! Right after the blessing she said, I want to go to your church! it was a miracle, she never has gone. That shows the power of the preisthood and the power of the Holy Ghost!. 
On Wednesday I was in my area with Elder Riquelme. We had District meeting which is always good to see everyone. After we went and picked up lunch from a member and my laundry. The food here makes me fat, but it´s so good. hhaha it´s harder to not eat. We had two noche de hogars or family nights. We made two brownies which were really good, The family nights were with two girls and there mom and a member. One of the girls is pregnant, and has many hard problems in her life. We talked about the after life and what happens to us, the had no questions about it. Elder Riquelme told me at the end of the lesson when everyone was talking, I interrupted them and starting baring my testimony he said the whole room went queit and he felt the spirit so strong in while I was talking. He told me that after we had left. it feels so good to help people in any way possible. This gospel we have can fix any problem!
Sunday we had a baptism for a members son! It is so cool to watch the dad baptize the kid and see the love and pure joy in the faces of them! it always make me cry haha I get so emotional! I love seeing it though.
yesterday was the end of my first transfer I am staying in my same area with my same companion. I love it here and am so happy to be here! I am loving the mission and seeing the miracles each and everyday of the power of the holy ghost guiding us! 
I miss you all so much and am so happy for abby and her graduation! Tell pops and jen I love them and everyone who comes over! I miss you and and am so thankful for everything! For the month of june we are expecting atleast 3 baptizms! We are working hard everyday to prepare them for their baptizms! The best work I could be doing. Have an amazing week! 

Love, Elder Payton.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

PICTURES. -finally.

random order...
rio cuarto - mtc.

May 16th

Hey Family! 
What´s up everyone? 
This week has absolutley been crazy! haha I honestly felt like it was never going to end, but it did. It was such a good week, the most walking I think I have ever done in my life. We had splashes all week in which all the Elders work in one area. It is a lot of fun to work with Elders from different countries, haha it´s funny when they speak English and it sounds so funny, but that´s probably how I sound when I speak Castoshano. hahah I was finally started to get confidence with the language when this little punk told me I speak crazily haha I was like come on. it was pretty funny though. So definitley this week was guided all by the spirit, when I had my meeting with the president he read a scripture in Alma 13:24 I think about angels and says that the angels are with us preparing everyone for us to teach! you could see that everyday this week, House after house we would enter and teach a awesome lesson. We put a lot of baptismal dates, or goals we like to call them. Oh so you all remember when Christian Cannovino would bring down his argentine treats those way way amazing ones like the shape of a leaf? I bought so many of those this week, I eat them all. shoot some good news, I am finally gaining weight! 13 pounds I am up to 152. talk about a miracle I know. hahah. 
I just want to share with you guys how much this church has changed my life, you all know when I didn´t go for a while and my life was troubled. Mom would always ask me to come to church as well as lovely madeleine. But I never would, I just didn´t think I needed it in my life, I thought I was happy. But let me tell you when I returned to chuch the first time in almost two years I had felt that peace that I had been missing in my life. I know this is the only true church, which brings so much happiness. And I know it has changed my life so much and has given me a new life. This church is how we can be together forever and always know that we are a family. How amazing of a blessing is that? the best blessing, our savior sufferered everything for each and everyone one of us, he knows what we are going through and he is the only way we can be healed, I love knowing that! I am know this is the only true chuch, our savior lives, and the covenants we make with our heavenly father is what brings true joy to our lives! I love my mission, and have had so many experiences that have brought true joy to my life! 
I love you all!
Elder Payton.


Shoot I just want to say that it was amazing to talk to all of you yesterday and to just hear all of your voices, it makes me more happy to know that you all are doing so well. It was crazy. I love you all, and I miss you. 
So this week was suppose to be our Semana Santa, like our perfect week in the mission everything perfect. obeying all the rules, contacting like crazy, teaching tons of lessons. but it turned into a hectic week! Wednesday we had a Splash, its when everyone works in one area for the whole day. We were in Parque which is 20 minutes away from Roque. That day I think broke me out of my shell, for some reason I did the best and I was contacting and teaching alot. My companion for the splash was Elder Jensen from Vegas. It´s way fun to have different companions every now and then. So one story for that day we were walking and he just asked me what he could do better, me being here only a month was like I don´t know, you have been here so long and i´ve only been here a month. he insisted me to tell him something he could do better, I told him our testimonies are where we invite the spirit the most when we testify. So the next house we contact, this hermana walks out she is smiling so big, I contact her and say hello and everything and say we are missionaries we want to share a message about the plan of salvacion and our savior jesus chirst. She was legit, she was way into and everything and asked us to come back. We testified, and seriously my body was on fire with the chills and the strongest spirit ever, my companion was crying and we walked away from that contact just in awww about what had happened. I asked him how he felt and he said I feel amazing, He told me thank you and said that my spirit I bring invites the spirit so quickly! I love this gospel, love the joy, the peace, the knowledge that it brings to our lives. Its the best gift we have and I am so grateful to share it! The next day I was so so sick! 
so i had to stay in the pension all day which stunk! the food here is starting to get to me a little bit! I miss home cooked meals! Saturday we had the chance to meet with president salas! He is the coolest man. 
We had a meeting and he asked me how everything was going and I told him this first month has ment so much to me, the change in my life already, our investigators, the baptisms! it has all be amazing! 
The baptism and confirmation are my favorite thing about the mission, its beautiful to see the happiness, I mean we all see happiness everyday but this happiness is different its pure joy, being clean of everything and moving on from those things. The atonement is for everyone on this earth! We need to use it! 

Another P day is here! Time goes by so fast for me! hahah maybe not for all of you but I miss you and am so grateful for you all!

Love Elder Payton.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Hola! how is everyone?
This week was crazy! It went from being the hottest weather I have ever been in to the coldest in one day, I disliked it so much haha. It was a huge rain storm and the wind was so strong. It was frigid. But we still had to go out and work and everything which is actually so much fun! I love it here and I love being a missionary! So this week we had a lot of good lessons and we have a baptism for this saturday at 5! second one in a month I am so grateful for heavenly father preparing these people for me and my compy! I am so excited for it! What was my baptism like? I dont remember but baptisms really are so amazing, so I might have to do the confirmation! ahhh in Spanish! crazy haha i don´t know very many words still but I will do it is she asks me to! So we have that baptism and then hopefully 4 more in the month of may! its crazy to think I am almost done with my first transfer! only three weeks left! it really does go by so fast. The family´s in the ward are amazing they feed us buffets for lunch everyday we are so lucky the food here is really really good. WE have lots of pastas and empanadas and chicken. Which is exactly what i need to gain some pounds! Mother why haven´t I gotten a package yet? haha I miss american chips and candy so much.! I watch soccer during our cetas with members at lunch they had the champions league game on of barca and RM and it was amazing i miss playing soccer but we played today and it was really fun! We had a zone meeting today and the spirit was so strong! It is crazy how the spirit radiates off of the other missionaries! The zone leaders asked me to bare my testimony today and I did and they all started crying and told me right when I started to talked they were hit with the spirit! Family let me tell you we are so blessed to have the knowledge we do in the church this is the only way we can actually have true happiness! Its the best feeling walking out of a lesson and knowing that the spirit was there and know they felt it.  I love this work and am so happy! I miss you all!
Elder Payton