And behold, i tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are only in the service of your god. - Mosiah 2:17

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

#2 Hola Mi Familia

I can't believe it's already been a week since I last wrote an email! The time goes by so quickly here. I am loving it more and more each day. I have learned a lot this past week about my self. I have a testimony of how powerful the repentance process is. I never have felt the love so dearly from my Father in Heaven than when we go trough hard times and repent of them. I want you all to know that nothing in this world can't be forgiven. Jesus suffered in Gethsamene for each one of us, it's such a blessing to have that in our lives. The spanish is coming along pretty good. Yo estoy feliz hoy!! that mean's I am happy today! and I hope all of you are so happy as well. In class we are learning more about the gospel. It's crazy how deep we go into depth about certain things. I found out my purpose as a missionary. I always thought my purpose was just to convert people to our church. I soon found out I was wrong. My purpose as a missionary is to invite and to help others. If I dont do this the investigators wont come and recieve the gospel and the blessings that come from the covenants we make. It makes my brain hurt about all of this stuff. There is so much learning and growing that takes place in the MTC. Every monday we teach an investigator. This week we had to contact him in spanish for 7 minutes. It was so fun but also really hard to try and understand what he was saying. I didn't know what to say back most of the time. So I would just say Sí and bien. I probably answered most of the questions wrong but It was awesome. So we taught the first lesson again. It feels so comfortable teaching I love it. Even though they are just investigators I truly care for them and want their lives to be better. It´s so important to understand where they are coming from so you know exactly what to teach them and how. 1 Nephi 3:7. It's an amazing scripture. I read a talk a few days ago and it had a huge impact on my day. Life isn't easy, but the gospel is. The gospel never changes it should and is permanent in our lives. If your having a bad day turn to the scriptures and read. Or to your father in heaven he is always there listening to your prayers. Pray with real intent to learn and you will recieve an answer. Nothing has value in this life, that's easy. Thank you for all your support, I miss you all. We have a devotional tonight. I hope it's a general authority! There is a good chance that it could be. We had a fireside on sunday and we sung army of helaman and I started to ball. I cry more than some of the sisters, that's not good. haha. Have an amazing week. Love you,
Elder Payton

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